Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New features in PHP 5.3

Comparing to the PHP previous version php5.3 has many improved features. There are so many changes in the object interface.Php5.3 added several needed improvements, such as class visibility, proper constructors and destructors, type hinting, and a class-reflection API. It opened the door for advanced objected-oriented programming in PHP, and allowed you to implement many design patterns much easier, along with better design classes and APIs.

Improved static method and member handling
One useful addition made in PHP V5 was the ability to specify a method or member of a class as static. PHP 4 did support static access to methods and members of class, but not the ability to specify that the method or member is designed for static access. Static access is especially useful for implementing the singleton design pattern, where only one instance of class exists.

PHP5.3 has added several features to enhance the support for static members and methods within a class. A newly added magic method: __callStatic().

The _callStatic() magic method

PHP V5 has several specially defined methods that can be used inside classes known as magic methods. When defined in the class, these methods provide special functionality, and enable overloading (the ability to allow a method to accept different types of parameters) and polymorphism (the ability to allow different data types to use the same interface). They also open the door to using different types of OOP programming methods and design patterns with PHP easily.

In PHP V5.3, a new magic method is added: __callStatic(). This works similar to the __call() magic method, which is designed to handle method calls for methods that aren't defined or visible in the class. However, __callStatic() is designed for handling static method calls, which gives us the ability to better design our method overloading. An example of how to use this method is below.

class Foo
public static function __callStatic(
echo "Called method $name statically";

public function __call(
echo "Called method $name";

Foo::dog(); // outputs "Called method dog statically"
$foo = new Foo;
$foo->dog(); // outputs "Called method dog"

Dynamic static calls

One nice feature of PHP is variable variables. What this means is you can use the string value of a variable to specify the name of another variable. In other words, you could do something like what is shown below.

Variable variables

$x = 'y';
$$x = 'z';
echo $x; // outputs 'y'
echo $y; // outputs 'z'
echo $$x; // outputs 'z'

The same concept can be used with functions, or even class methods, as shown below.

Variable function and class method names

class Dog
public function bark()
echo "Woof!";

$class = 'Dog'
$action = 'bark';
$x = new $class(); // instantiates the class 'Dog'
$x->$action(); // outputs "Woof!"

New to PHP V5.3 is the ability to have the name of the class when specified be a variable when making a static call. This opens up a few new possibilities, as shown below.

Variable class naming

class Dog
public static function bark()
echo "Woof!";

$class = 'Dog';
$action = 'bark';
$class::$action(); //outputs "Woof!"

This addition makes the variable-variables feature of PHP complete, allowing them to be used in just about every situation with PHP.

This article is taken from https://www.ibm.com/


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